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#lessonslearnt with Donna Ford

June 4, 2024
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Donna Ford is on a mission to demystify what creativity really is and share simple strategies for businesses and individuals to grow and evolve by a new way of thinking and doing. Using all the creative skills she’s gained over 20 years as well as psychology and neuroscience, Donna’s methods are not only effective but fun as intuition weaves with intelligence.

I have loved getting to know Donna and her enthusiasm is contagious. Her multi-hyphened career has created a rich tapestry of experience that everyone can learn from!

Donna Ford Founder Story
Donna Ford Founder Story

1. What is the problem that your business sets out to solve?

This is such a great question and really the point you start at when you begin a business. I remember someone saying to me 3.5 years ago — you are the paracetamol to someone’s headache.

Back then I set out to write an interiors blog and over an affordable design concept service to stop the frustration of those of us who have moved out to the suburbs and feel paralysed in design and colour choices. That I could help them and lead them on a creative journey and be able to make intuitive and creative confident decisions. Now with my creative work, it is about having more calm, courage and curiosity in our lives for mental wellbeing and health and also allowing women to grow in confidence and be visible as the face of their business.

Donna Ford #lessonslearnt with Lucy Wooflenden

2. What is the solution you offer?

So I offer education on demystifying all the myths and lies around creativity. MAinly that we are all creative and how leaning into the process is a much more fulfilling journey than having to make great work (that comes later). With my photography work I provide easy, related and fun personal branding shoots where again the important part is the process and my clients learn more about themselves and what they can do. My power portraits are uber affordable to help people tip their toes into what a shoot is like. But they have to be courageous and make the first steps and I can help them with the rest.

Donna Ford #lessonslearnt

3. How did you find your first five customers?

Fab question! I’m not sure I remember!? I think I did about 3 free session with friends so I could practice, tweak my services, then when I launched I had some real experiences and testimonials to share. I think my mailing list and social media were pivotal too (even though my audience was small) and also my friends and family (allow I need to caveat that that’s not a great long term marketing strategy) but does help in the early few weeks. People are excited to support you and will share and recommend people to you if you ask!

4. What’s your top piece of advice for fellow founders?

Follow your heart! And intuition. Without that sounding too airy-fairy you need passion and a true sense of your mission (which is really at the heart of your branding) so that when the tough days come you will keep fighting for what you believe in rather than giving up. Passion is everything. And also self-belief that in time what you dream for yourself can be a reality. Like Henry Ford days “Whether you think you can or can’t you are right!”

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5. Top lesson learnt in business?

I think the power of self-knowledge. We need to know our limiting beliefs and challenge them, dig deep to find out why we’re procrastinating as well as know our strengths and passions so we can lean into them. The things we don’t enjoy can either be dropped or outsourced. There are always creative solutions an new ways of doing things.The brilliant thing about self-knowledge too (particularly personality profiling say) is that you start to understand others better too which means you can build community and a lovely rapport with your audience. I know we are meant to know our ideal customer but a part of that is knowing ourselves as we were probably a version of our perfect client at some point in the past. Also if I’m allowed to throw something else in look after yourself — protect your creativity and mind as you are the CEO and have to create and build everything in your business. So take time out and follow your curiosity — sometimes doing nothing is doing nothing…

Donna’s generosity of spirit means that there is a plethora of free inspiration on her website - watch the video series on the basics of creativity and sign up to her newsletter The Blank Page for how to think, be and do creativity. You’ll find tons of free downloads including Creative Wander — an audio guide walk to fuel your curiosity and imagination. Enjoy.

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