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#lessonslearnt with Jaz Broughton

June 4, 2024
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I’m so excited to introduce the first interview in my new blog series, #lessonslearnt.

Life is a journey and so much of what we know is learnt from past experiences. This is ever true in the world of startups, forging new paths and constantly venturing into unchartered waters — got to have our big girl pants on to see every twist and turn as a learning experience. Easier said than done sometimes so, for now, let’s learn from other founder’s experience.

Jaz Broughton is a Career Success Coach with a mission to deliver a positive impact for customers, clients & humans.


1) What is the problem that you’re trying to solve?

The game has changed. The business environment evolves fast which makes it difficult for team enablement to go beyond role-specific training. But that’s no longer good enough.

The ambitions of individuals are outweighing what is provided by the organisation and after a recession or 2 they have hacked the solution. They have learned to take their careers into their own hands and accelerate their development and career growth.

Ambitious people want promotions, specialism, news skills, expertise, pivots, generalisms and personal brands but no clear space to declare these wants and make them a reality.

They want to grow and scale just like the organisation.

2) What is the solution that you offer?

I offer space for ambitious people to step into their goals and desires. Through 1:1 coaching, workshops and courses full of actionable, practical tools I enable people to clarify their ambition and take action to carve out a career that grows.

3) How did you find your first five customers

I put myself out there through events and workshops, meeting people and showing them what can be achieved when we work together.

I was also clear with everyone about what I was doing and who I wanted to work with which meant customers 2–5 were referrals. Word of mouth is important, customer experience is important and so are results.

4) What’s your top piece of advice for fellow founders

Always be intentional. With everything, with products, services, partnerships and your time. It’s so easy to take yourself for granted and run from pillar to post doing “all the things” but that isn’t your job (or shouldn’t be for too long). Clear intention is a catalyst to creating your own success, learning that your time is expensive, your talents are valuable and the more time you spend in your zone of genius and less time in administrative tasks and the inbox vortex. This is something I’ve been learning and re-learning this the past year of my business and it has created a huge impact by simply pausing to ask “Am I the best person to do this?” combined with “How truly urgent and important is this?”.

The Eisenhower Matrix
The Eisenhower Matrix

5) What is the biggest lesson you’ve learnt in business?

Everything is subject to change. It’s so easy to get attached to one vision of your business or another when that may not be what your audience needs or something you can sustain. I’ve learned to simply stay laser-focused on my values and moonshot goal and be patient, open and excited about how the journey towards it unfolds. I started off as a life coach only, I dove into workshops and attracted clients for career goals; something I’ve been supporting people with since I was 15. So I pivoted. I’m still life coaching, delivering workshops but I’m operating in my Zone of Genius and being part of the most-needed solution. It’s different and the same all at once; but I had to be open to that change.

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