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#lessonslearnt with Sam Brown AKA Made Simple By Sam

June 4, 2024
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Loved this session with Sam, I know so many Founders that Sam’s Simplicity Sessions have been invaluable for. The sessions are one-hour creative calls designed to solve any copy conundrum you have.

Sam’s top lesson learnt echo’s around the startup world. Let’s say it again for people at the back “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING YOURSELF”. Do the things you’re good at and earn your business money, the rest you can give to the millions of experts at (virtual) arms reach. Now, go… I mean, after you’ve read this of course ;)

Made Simple By Sam

Sam Brown
Sam Brown

1. What is the problem that your business sets out to solve?

People being stuck on their copy — either staring at a blank screen not knowing where to start or feeling uninspired by their existing website or marketing materials.

2. What is the solution you offer?

Simple, client-focused copy that captures your natural voice.

3. How did you find your first five customers?

“Entirely through existing relationships and word of mouth. In fact, that’s still where the majority of my clients come from. It always reminds me of the importance of making and nurturing connections with other founders — you never know how you might be able to help each other at some point in the future.”

4. What’s your top piece of advice for fellow founders?

“Find your community. Setting up a business is hard, especially in isolation. Finding other people to share the struggles and — just as importantly — the wins, which can make such a difference, particularly in the first couple of years.”

5. Top lesson learnt in business?

“You don’t have to do everything yourself. Just because you’re running a business on your own, you can, and should, still bring other people in where their expertise outweighs yours. In my opinion, the time you save and the improved results are always worth the financial outlay.”

Make sure you’re following Sam’s invaluable advice on Instagram and LinkedIn as well as being inspired by other Founders’ #lessonslearnt like Jaz Broughton and Donna Ford.

And if you’d like some free tools to drive your marketing growth then check out my website!