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Repurposing content like a pro

June 4, 2024
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“Create once. Distribute forever. Most people will spend 20 hours to create a masterpiece and spend 20 minutes to promote it. Then they're left wondering... Hmm... Why didn't that take off? Distribution folks. Embrace it…” - Ross Simmonds

That quote embodies the whole point of why repurposing should be a key element of your overall content strategy.

Reusing, recycling & repurposing content isn’t lazy. It’s smart. After all, if the content works, why shouldn’t you squeeze more reach from it?

💭 What is repurposing?

Repurposing is a marketing activity where you reuse & recycle existing content to extend your reach.

Basically, you take an existing piece of content such as a live webinar you’ve hosted & transform it to suit the other platforms you’re active on.

For example, here are just a couple of the many ways you could repurpose that live webinar you’ve just hosted:

🤔 Why is this an important part of a B2B startup’s content strategy?

The biggest benefit of repurposing is time-saving. Especially in a busy startup, you want to make sure you’re squeezing the most out of all of your content.

And there are so many more benefits…

In the same vein as time-saving, you’re also cost-saving. As you're reusing & recycling content, you’ll have more time to work on other projects. Super important in a startup.

You’re increasing the reach of a single piece of content. If you only post it on the blog, you’re only reaching those that read your blog. Whereas if you adapt it for email & social, you’re reaching a brand new audience.

Repurposing supports that ever-important SEO. By spreading this content further, you’re creating endless opportunities for sharing which in turn, gives your SEO a boost through backlinks.

And naturally, the more your brand is seen, the better your brand awareness. You’ll begin being seen as a thought leader. And you’ll be the brand they go to when they have a question they need answering.

💡 Something to remember

When we say content repurposing, we mean purposefully repurposing. Not chucking it on every single platform out there just for sharing’s sake.

You want to make sure your repurposing efforts are worthwhile.

Think about the content, think about your audience & think carefully about which channels this content should sit on.

Just because you can repurpose the top 5 takeaways into an Instagram carousel, it doesn’t mean you should. If your audience is on Instagram & this sits within your goals for the channel, share it.

If you’re sharing it just so you’re active on the channel without having researched whether it’s right for you, save your efforts.

👀 Ask yourself: How else can you repurpose the content so it contributes to your overall goals?

In conclusion, content repurposing should be a key focus within your content strategy. And done well will have really great, long-lasting results for your start up.

Key takeaways

👉 Reusing, recycling & repurposing content isn’t lazy. It’s smart. It saves time & money.

👉 The activity boosts the reach of your content by introducing it to new audiences on other platforms your target audience is present on.

👉 Repurposing should be meaningful & thought out.