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Startup toolkit: how to build your own press kit

June 4, 2024
Written by:

Why is a press kit important?

  • Journalists are time poor: help them find the right information
  • How will they know the awesome things about you do if you don’t tell them?
  • Key terms and outbound links support your SEO

In other words, help people to spread the word by helping them to find you and tell them all about you.

So, what needs to go into a press kit?

A downloadable PDF containing the following:

  1. About your company
    • Why what and how of your company
    • Key company facts
      • When it started
      • Size of company
      • Which markets you are in (or looking to expand to if you’re happy to share this information)
      • Awards and accolades
  2. About your team
    • Your team members
      • what they do
      • any notable prior experience if relevant
  3. Latest news
    • Latest features or company news in bullets
    • Case studies (notable brands that use your company and what they’ve previously said about your company - publicly or pre-approved)
  4. Contact details
    • Who to contact and how
  5. Press coverage
    • Links to previous press coverage (of all shapes and sizes, linking back to original pieces for SEO power - outbound links add authority to your Google ranking)
  6. Artwork (downloadable JPEGs)

A great tip from Lucy Wern is to send landscape photos to get more column inches!

  1. Logos
  2. Product shots
  3. Team shots