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Stop doing everything & focus on the right channels

June 4, 2024
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In today’s fast-paced digital world, startups are faced with an overwhelming number of marketing channels to choose from.

Deciding which channels to invest time and resources in can be a daunting task and may feel like guesswork.

Now we’re not going to tell you which channels are right for you because every start up is different. But today’s blog should give you the stepping stones to figuring it out.

There are so many possible channels you can choose from. And we definitely shouldn’t be present on all of them. Do some really well rather than all badly.

💭 How do you determine the right channels for your startup?

The answer comes down to three areas: your audience, your competitors, and your brand.

By understanding these factors, you can define the channels that align perfectly with your goals and maximise your chances of success.  

Let’s explore the importance of these three elements and how they can guide you in making informed decisions about your start ups marketing channels.

1️⃣ Your audience

Really understanding your audience is so important because it allows you to effectively reach and engage with people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

Knowing your audiences’ motivators and behaviours through audience research will help you learn where they spend their time and, in turn, where you should spend your time too.

Some questions to consider about your audience:

👉 Where are they? Which spaces are your target audience most active?

👉 What are they trying to do? What are their goals and challenges?

👉 What do they think they are looking for? Understanding their jobs to be done will help you with your messaging.

👉 Where are they looking for answers/solutions? Talk to them where they already are.

Understanding your audience, their jobs to be done and leveraging the four forces framework helps you create relatable and relevant messaging and content.

For example, Buffer found users for their scheduling platform on Twitter. As they knew the users of the platform would potentially be interested in being able to schedule their as well as extra analytic tools.

2️⃣ Your competitors

Evaluating your competitor's channels can provide valuable insights into which channels are effective in reaching your audience. They have likely been through the testing phase and established a presence in popular spaces.

Positioning yourself as an alternative solution that better fulfils your audience’s needs and desires to an already receptive audience can give you that competitive edge.

Additionally, identifying clear opportunity spaces to fill and showing up where your competitors are not present allows you to tap into a fresh audience and gain a unique advantage.

Some questions to consider about your competitors:

👉What are the expected channels everyone is using?

👉Are there clear opportunity spaces to fill?

👉 What are they doing that’s working really well?

👉 What are they doing that’s unique or different?

👉 What are the areas to avoid?

For example, Monzo used the markets & audiences from failed mobile banking startups that came before them. They weren’t the first to do what they did & that benefited them as they could utilise what their predecessors had already done.

Something to remember when you’re looking into your audience: Finding your unique difference is so important. Just because your competitor is doing well on Instagram, for example, doesn’t mean you should focus all your efforts on that channel. Figure out what works for your startup.

3️⃣ Your brand

How you show up is just as important as where you show up.

We need to stop talking about the product. And instead, start talking about the progress our customer is trying to make. The benefits your product offers the customer.

Talk about them rather than about your product.

Go back to your jobs to be done and describe the job they’re trying to do.

In conclusion, without the risk of sounding like a broken record, this all leads back to your jobs to be done. This will answer all the questions we’ve spoken about today and help you clarify these channels seamlessly.

Key takeaways

👉 Really get to know your audience through audience insights research.

👉 Deep dive into what your competitors are doing so you can find your competitive edge.

👉 Think about the benefits your product will bring to customers. Talk about that.

What channels is your start up focusing on? Are they working well? If it’s a no, give this process a go and see what you uncover.