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Motivating your audience by achieving language market fit in 2024

June 4, 2024
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Now, more than ever, we want to be taking the guesswork out of your growth & finding the most effective routes to growth for brands. We know that understanding your audience’s motivations is key to this.

First up, let's identify what motivates your audience, using Language Market Fit.

Language Market Fit is the art of aligning your messaging with the aspirations & pain points of your target audience.

Today, we’re exploring how startups can leverage language market fit to motivate their audience to take the desired action.

😃 Understand emotional triggers

We know our audience is motivated by emotion. Whether that be FOMO or stress, emotion is the trigger to realising they need to find a new solution.

We can use this in our marketing by identifying your audience’s aspirations & pain points. Then crafting messaging that taps into these emotions, providing a relatable & empathetic narrative that resonates with the individual.

When your audience feels an emotional connection, motivation naturally follows.

🗣️ Speak their language

Achieving language market fit is about speaking the same language as your audience, literally.

Use terminology, expressions & tone of voice that your audience relates to. And avoid industry jargon that could alienate those who are not familiar with it.

The easiest way to do this is by creating a language market fit database that holds phrases, words & testimonials from your audience that you can utilise in your marketing. Here’s a free template.

✅ Highlight benefits, not just features

While product features are important, it's the benefits that your customers actually care about. How is your solution going to upgrade their life?

Tailor your messaging to emphasise how your product solves your audience’s problems, enhances their lives or fulfils their desires. Help your audience envision the positive impact your offering can have on them.

Customers who see the tangible benefits are more likely to be motivated to engage with your brand.

📱 Encourage user-generated content (UGC)

Motivation often comes from a sense of community & shared experiences.

You can bolster this by encouraging your audience to share their experiences with your brand through UGC. Whether it's testimonials or social media posts, this content serves as authentic social proof.

🔮 Build trust through transparency

Be transparent in your communication & openly address challenges. When customers trust your messaging, they’re more likely to be motivated to engage with your brand & make purchasing decisions.

Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, highlight your brand’s values & maintain consistency in your messaging to build & reinforce trust.

💬 Personalise your communications

One-size-fits-all messaging is a thing of the past. Personalise your communication to create a stronger individual connection with each member of your audience.

Use insights to understand customer preferences, behaviours & demographics. Then you can tailor your messaging to address their unique needs & preferences.

The more personalised & relevant your comms are, the more motivated your audience will be.

In conclusion, motivating your audience through language market fit won’t happen overnight but you’ll definitely reap the rewards when you get there.

Remember, the key is to make your audience not just customers, but passionate advocates who are motivated to be part of your brand's journey.


👉 2024 is going to see a shift to brands really putting the emphasis on their audience (yep, even more than they already do!).

👉 Create a language market fit database which holds phrases, words & testimonials from your audience that you can utilise in your marketing. Don’t forget our a free template.

👉 Being a trustworthy & transparent brand goes a long way.